Latitude and longitude

Monday this week in physical science opened with a brief review of Friday's quiz answers. Armed with a globe, I then laid down the framework for latitude and longitude, explaining the existence of zero lines such as the equator and the prime meridian. I even mentioned the Paris meridian and the misuse of the Arago markers in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code as the fictitious Rose line . Monday wrapped up with covering how the different GPS units work. The newer GPS units with the ability to receive both GPS and GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema) signals work differently from the older units. Tuesday I scouted out a location I had used a couple summers ago for a Binky hide. This term I wanted to be out deep and far. I was down in an area I think of as the swale. That's pwisehn malek barely visible in the background. Wednesday I slipped out into the hide without detection. Just after arriving rain fell, but I had brought an umbrella and I tucked ...