Seedless vascular plant hike: lycophytes and monilophytes

This term I passed out the plant list the class before, at the end of the banana patch cleaning day. I told the class to look over the list of plants we might be seeing on the hike. On the way across campus we picked up students. As I passed the gym I picked up cyanobacteria - Nostoc. I explained the Nostoc in the shade at the edge of the agriculture building. I skipped mosses. The upper open area was devoid of Lycopodiella cernua, and I missed the couple of Dicranopteris linearis fronds which were present. Jade, Shane, Darion, Sandralynn, and Jaime Off to the left side of the trail I found a nice example of a Nephrolepis "rehdil" fern with fertile fronds and explained this fern and sori to the class. Farther down on the right I encountered Davallia solida which also had fertile fronds, so I showed the class this one as well. No one knew their local name for this, which caught me off guard. Kiyoe with Asplenium nidus I then used the variety of ferns ...