Pohnpei cultural ceremony with Piper methysticum

This term the cultural ceremony was held in Paies, Kitti, up on the side of the mountain just to the southeast of the campus. I started off from the campus at roughly 15:30 with a few students. By 15:42 we were in lower Paies inbound St. Barnabas. The climb was slow and it was 16:02 by the time the students were gathered at Lepen's nahs. More detailed information on some of what follows is in the course text. Jayleen, Sonya, Nagsia, Regina, and Francina Soumas in place Sakau comes in with the stems intact, they are cut in the nahs. Donovan and Frankie volunteer in along with the author to pound the sakau. Shirts are removed to show respect. We pound happily, the stone playing a tune. Or we should be pounding happily for our Soumas. Brady, Kanoa, Jaynard. Menindei on the far right. Sonya, Junida. Suzanne and Jayleen had the camera during the sakau pounding Keidihd (koaidihd) is called, time to flip the sakau Menindei Fou...