Linear regressions and confidence intervals

My one remaining use of Gnumeric had been the regression statistical function which produced confidence intervals for slopes and intercepts along with p-values against a null hypothesis that either one was zero. With Gnumeric having opted to be "Linux only" in 2014, I wanted to have some of those same capabilities in cross-platform . Although the LibreOffice 5 includes a statistics add-in by default with a regression option, that option did not produce the values I sought. The core to the solution was on board LibreOffice all along. The LINEST function, entered as an array formula produces the values necessary to generate confidence intervals. When entered into a two by five array of cells as an array formula, the results of the function generate standard error values for the slope and intercept. The values generated by LINEST can then be used to feed other functions. Values such as t-critical, the margin of error, bounds on the confidence...