Student reaction to on line tests and quizzes in statistics

Spring term 2015 Schoology was used to deliver tests and quizzes on line in MS 150 Statistics. In previous terms all tests and quizzes were paper based. Schoology critically permitted fill-in-the-blank questions along with essay answers which were necessary to moving to on line assessment instruments. The first on line quiz in January was delivered with some trepidation. How students would react to on line quizzes and tests was not known. In addition, the on line quizzes and tests had to be deployed in a way that would cope with power outages. This meant setting up the quiz so the quiz could be resumed. I also chose to allow the students to immediately see what they answered correctly and what they answered wrong, even though the physical layout of the laboratory could lead to potential problems. Each quiz and test was effectively an experiment, but each went well and students did not appear to use their earlier submitting neighbors results to change their answers. At term end ...