Rich text grader feedback in CourseSites

Rich text comments are possible in CourseSites, although only in the sixth week of using CourseSites did I realize this capability existed. I had previously discovered that the students could not access the comments I was making in the Crocodoc document interface . I also discovered that my students did not realize they could open the rubric. I have stopped putting feedback comments in the rubric because these are in what amounts to too obscure a location for my students. I know put all comments in the grader feedback field, this the students can find a little more easily, although some students still have difficulties navigating to their submitted papers. The Grader Feedback field is simply a text field, but the field does have HTML format capabilities as can be seen in the above screenshot. Accessing this capability is not entirely obvious. There small capital A at the lower left side accesses this capability in CourseSites. Note that the button next to the small capital A permi...