Why statistics and what will you learn?

In the third week of MS 150 Statistics 75 students were asked to respond in writing to the following three questions: 1. Why are you taking this particular course? 2. How does this course fit into your academic plan? 3. Do you understand what the course learning outcomes are? Although the student learning outcomes for the course had been emailed to all students prior to the start of the course and were on the course syllabus, no in class exercises directly engaged the students in learning the student learning outcomes. The 75 students sometimes put more than one answer to a question, in these instances both answers were recorded. The survey that asked the questions was done anonymously, students were instructed not to put their names on their papers. Responses to the first question, "Why are you taking this particular course?" fell into seven categories. Major/degree requirement 54 To learn statistics 14 To learn to use spreadsheets ...